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Fishing to Make a Difference

Posted by eddie on November 14, 2016


Things are looking good here so far in Washington.  After settling into my new job, I’ve been calling around to figure out what tournament circuits are available.  I contacted the FLW TBF and got the schedule for the upcoming season.  I’ll be fishing all three of the qualifying events which start in April.  I have to join a club to be eligible, so I’ve joined up with the Puyallup Hawg Hunters for the season.  I’ve got to thank the FLW TBF President here as well as Tyler Brinks for the help.

One of the best things about my new home around Tacoma is the fact that we have a Bass Pro Shops.  A new one went in just about a year ago and one of the coolest things about it is that the store manager here is the old one from Manteca, California where I used to live so we already know each other.  I met back up with him and we are already planning to do some things together for the upcoming season.  Once I go get my boat, I’ll have my new graphs and trolling motor mounted too.  I really like the work these guys are doing at Bass Pro Shops, it’s second to none.

Some of the things I’m most excited about though are getting involved and starting up a couple charities that are very near and dear to my heart.  A lady that works in processing here and I got to talking and when she found out that I was a fisherman.  She mentioned that her brother Aaron Coles in California was also a big time angler too and ironically I know him.  She also shared how sickle cell disease has affected her life and family; she lost a sister to the disease and has a daughter that is battling it right now.  Her daughter has to spend all day in the hospital as she is being treated.  I also met a wife of a former Super Bowl Champion who has offered to help out too.  Down the road I would like to do something with diabetes.  I actually have type II myself.  I would like to help children with diabetes and focus the charity on that aspect.

The main goal I have is to really make a difference in kid’s lives.  One of my assistants actually put together a “make a difference day” and I was very impressed.  I’ve kind of snatched that idea up and want to do everything I can to accomplish it.  I will be fishing this next season to bring awareness to sickle cell disease and the people and families affected by the terrible disease.  On a side note, I’d like to ask anyone that can be of assistance in building a website for the charity to please contact me.

As for other fishing news, I have made it out on the water a couple of times with some success fishing from shore.  I haven’t caught anything big yet, but I have caught quite a few largemouth.  I’ve already submitted an order to Seaguar for next year’s line and have been sending resumes out there to possible new sponsors.  My fishing schedule is coming together as I’m planning to add all three of the FLW Costa Western events and the US Open.  I’m also planning to travel to ICast and possibly NEMA in Minneapolis.  I’ve already given some seminars at NEMA back in 2012 and they’ve asked me to come back for the past few years.  The head of the Department of Fish and Wildlife here is also ready to schedule some seminars with me too.  It’s going to be a busy season, but I’m looking forward to this new adventure.