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Light at the End of the Tunnel

Posted by eddie on February 10, 2016

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Well, we have some light at the end of the tunnel.  Me and my family have started gathering our things to leave Korea and head back to the states.  We have a deadline of leaving by June thirtieth at the latest, but it should end up being sooner than that.  I have hesitated to strip all the line off my reels for the trip hoping the weather might break here so I can hit the water a couple more times.  I did tell the KSA that I will not be participating, but the season doesn’t begin for another month so you never know.

I’ve already been looking into what circuits I can fish back home, but the problem with some of the bigger events is I would probably miss half the season.  Without definitely knowing where we’re going to end up also makes it difficult to pick.  I can assure that wherever I do end up, I’m going to be fishing whatever tournaments I can get my hands on.

My name will go into the system in only a couple more days.  The government will have until the thirtieth of May to place me somewhere other than my old job in California.  As of now, it’s still looking like we may be headed back to the West Coast which would be fine.  There will be a thirty day recruitment in the Northwest, but if there is no match I could end up somewhere in Texas or the Southeast.  If we do go back to California I know some reeds on the California Delta that have my name on them.  I can’t wait to get my hands on my boat when we make it back to the states.  It’s been a long time coming and I’m definitely excited to get back to doing what I love to do.

Although I’m ready to get back home, I really have enjoyed my time in Korea.  I’ve got to work and help with something I am passionate about; aside from fishing.  I’ve also got to bass fish in Korea which was an adventure.  I got to meet a lot of people that are into bass fishing both from the base and on the tournament circuit.  As fun as it has been, I am ready to start a new adventure back in the states.  I tell all of my soldiers not to try and make up for lost time when they get home, but I can definitely say I feel like I’ve got some making up to do.